Cycle Tourism MTB Archivi - Sito ufficiale Valseriana e Val di Scalve Portale turistico Mon, 21 Mar 2022 09:34:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 125612197 Cycle path of river Serio Fri, 08 Apr 2016 07:11:40 +0000

A long LINE, now STRAIGHT, then curved, then again branched. That is how Valle Seriana cycle path, which many people consider as one of the best paths in Lombardy, looks like from AERIAL VIEW. Together with Serio River, it is the true trait d’union of the valley territory which isextremely SO varied and extended and, TO gives the tourists the chance to embrace MULTIPLE settings and skylines. Valle Seriana cycle path is suitable for familiesand for anyone who wants to practice sports: it is free from remarkable differences in ALTITUDE and its hard court and asphalt surface is totally walkable. Trekking, mountain biking, and roller-skating are the most PERFORMED activities.

The main branch, between Ranica and Clusone (31 kilometres), follows the river course and IT GOES ALONG WITH a parallel path that originates in Villa di Serio and crosses the main one in various points UNTILL ALBINO. THE MOST DIFFICULT PART OF THE PATH IS LOCATED BETWEEN PONTE NOSSA AND CLUSONE from where the new high valley paths begin: Piario – Villa d’Ogna – Ardesio and Gromo – Valbondione.  THE LAST SECTION, NAMED PRESOLANA TOUR, WILL BE SOON REALIZED: IT’S GOING TO COMPLETE THIS IMPORTANT PATHS-NETWORK CONNECTING CLUSONE AND CASTIONE DELLA PRESOLANA.

THAT’S Valle Seriana cycle path: dozens of kilometres through nature, arts, flavours and mountains at your disposal, in order to spend a dynamic and relaxing holiday at the same time together with your family and friends, and most of all with your bike… What more do you want?


Monte Farno tour Fri, 08 Apr 2016 08:25:59 +0000 Starting point: parking of the cemetery in Leffe
We shall take the left road for the Leffe town center, then left by via Albertoni afterwards staight to the shop sing. We then go on the left, until the roundabout and then follow the left, until the roundabout and then follow the main road to the stop sing.

We continue on the right towards Gandino, then again straight having the gas station on our right side, on the turn we continue straight entering in via Nodari and the first crossing still straight entering in via Carnevali until the stop sign. We turn to the left, past the roundabout, follow on the left via Cà Dapiand further 7 km on the road leads to Monte Farno. We pass the ex colony building and follow the only road leading to Tribulina dei morti, from here we shall follow the path 545 which drops steeply into the woods untilCampo d’Avena. We shall leave the forest and cross the lawn to the cottage on our right, where we will find a dirt road to follow until the junction with the one that comes from Val Piana. At the intersection go to the left to all deviations, whitch will take us to Malga Lunga, from here we shall follow the dirt road, keeping us always on the left to all deviations, which will take us t Sparaverafirst and Monticelli afterwards.

Following the same dirt road we will come to a short, steep concrete descrent, as soon as completed the descent we shall turn to the right, first on a dirt road, then on asphalt leading thePoianatown. We shall pass the small church of S. Rocco and, overpassed the turn, will proceed straight to the second crossing where we will turn left: on the front of us we will find the mule trail to follow. (la via della lana). After the mule track, we shall go down to the cemetery and take the flight of steps on the right leading to Peia bassa. Continuing straight ahead, at the stop we enter in via Peia bassa and then in via Locatelli; we go beyond the schools and the cataholic social circle and we enter in via Mosconi. At the stop sign, turn RIGHT, back to our starting point.

Barbellino Tour (Valbondione) Fri, 08 Apr 2016 08:08:59 +0000 Starting point: car parking near indoor stadium of Valbondione.
From the car park we cross the village towards Lizzola. After the first hairpin on the road on the left following the Curò signs – CAI 305.
The climb takes place on gravel-rocky road: passed the pine forest, we continue along the scenic path that climbs to the rifugio Antonio Curò.
We continue to the right of the artificial lake along a wide path whit water precipe beneath; after 4 km we reach the Rifugio Barbellino and just behind the nameskate natural lake that reflects the natural amphiteater of Caronella, Torena and Pizzo Strinato. For the return, we walk back on the outgoing path to the starting point whit a long and exciting descent!

Monte Misma tour Fri, 08 Apr 2016 08:54:05 +0000 Starting point: Bergamo (station).
From the train station of Albino we can move in two ways:
1) taking the TEB (electric tramway)to the terminus of Albino;
2) Secondary roads and short paths untilTorre Boldone, and from there taking theVal Seriana path until Albino.
Reached the medieval bridge of Albino we ake the road that goes along the Val del Lujo towards Colle Gallo,just before reaching the Casale, turn right along the via del Castagno, whit short and steep ascent soncrete slopes, leading to a high meadow. We will continue along the path 513, and after a hand climb we will reach the churchMadonna del Misma. We will continue beside the path 626 thst is part of the netting of paths “le vie del Misma” and cross the WWF Valpredina.
Once arrived at a crossroad we go down on left, we then overcome the Cà Muratori and arrive in Pradale. After continuing straight on a cart track in the meadow and as soon as entering in a wood along the left hard single track (attention when wet!) that leads us to Cornale.
From here we cross the country and take the path towards Bergamo or take the TEB to the Bergamo station.

Val Sedornia tour Fri, 08 Apr 2016 07:46:41 +0000 Starting point: parking of Gromo hamlet (down the castle).
Outcoming the parking, we undertake a little funther the road for Spiazzi di Gromo. Afterreaching the Boario, district, we continue on the road for “Spiazzi”approximately for 1.5 km. having reached a bend (justafter passing on our left a grocery store) we take on the left via Roccolo that, after a few meters, becomes a forest road (CAI 313). We ride immersed in a forest of large conifers to reach a grassy plateau, we then cross the river, we pass alongside the picnics area and go down to the steep and rocky trail (CAI 309). Go passing the first houses of Tezzi Alti, we go left along a trail and cross the road. We will pass behind a church and cross the road again, we take in the old trail in the left that after the last crossing contries in coastline up to GromoSan Marino. Before the bridge over theSerio, river, turn left and ride on the bike path Alta Val Seriana that leads us to our starting point of Gromo

Selvino Tour Fri, 08 Apr 2016 08:47:35 +0000 Starting Point: Nembro district “Saletti”, that we can reach by TEB (tramvia) or car.
We shall go to the centre of Nembro city along a short path near the canal and once reached the patish church we will go down the road that leads to Selvino. 11 km afterwards, and as much as 20 hairpin beends we will reach the first houses, we will cross the country and once arrived to the station of the cable car we go down to Amapoi to Amora away down to the houses below. Form there starts a mule track that goes down in the meadowns, once arrived to the Tribulina we shall turn left and continue on the path before and then after a wood area, on the dirt up to the Petello church.
we then shall continue downhill on a dirt road and after a few meters of car road understake the path on the left. we keep the dirt road and then follow the descent on the right of the path until we cross the road that we will undertake going down. At the stop sing turn right and at the roundabout turn left downhill until we reach the Albino town; proceeding straight to the station where we find the Val Seriana path we then will walk up to Nembro. After reaching a small roundabout on the path we will take right on the bridge and after an underpass on the left will bring us back to the starting point.

Passo Manina Malga Barbarossa Fri, 08 Apr 2016 09:35:04 +0000 Numerosissimi i punti panoramici sulla Val di Scalve e alta Val Seriana da lasciarvi senza fiato. Poco prima di arrivare al Passo Manina e dal Passo fino alla prima pozza siamo costretti a spingere e portare la MTB per circa 30/45 minuti. Interessante il valico della Manina con il piccolo luogo di culto. Una panoramica discesa molto Lunga e ripida metteranno a dura prova i nostri freni costringendoci a fermarci ogni tanto per farli raffreddare. Numerosi i punti per poterci rifornire di acqua lungo tutto il percorso.

Il punto di partenza è a Vilminore di Scalve e in corrispondenza del parcheggio della palestra in via Vittorio Emanuele (poco sopra, nei pressi del campo sportivo vi sono numerosi ulteriori posteggi). Seguiamo la strada principale che attraversa il centro di Vilminore, dopo aver attraversato la piazza Papa Giovanni XXII manteniamo la sinistra imboccando via Locatelli, dopo il tornante, all’incrocio procediamo a sinistra seguendo le indicazioni per Colere fino a giungere dopo alcune centinaia di metri nei pressi della chiesetta di San Carlo, riconoscibile dall’insolito intonaco azzurro. Pochi metri prima della chiesetta, prendiamo a DX lo sterrato che sale e seguiamo le indicazioni per Ponte Gleno. Raggiunta l’area attrezzata di Ponte Gleno, manteniamo la SX verso il ponticello di cemento, lo superiamo e seguiamo fedelmente il sentiero fino alla frazione Nona, che a causa del fondo sconnesso ci costringe in alcuni tratti a spingere la MTB. Arrivati all’ingresso di Nona, al primo incrocio prendiamo a DX su fondo asfaltato e subito a SX in via Manina e seguiamo fedelmente la lunga salita e le indicazioni per il passo Manina. Arrivati nelle vicinanze della Baita rossa, al bivio svoltiamo a SX in discesa e poi subito in forte salita il sentiero per il passo Manina (altro tratto a spina) fino a raggiungere un bivio. A questo punto è consigliabile una visita alla limitrofa chiesetta al Passo della Manina dalla quale si osservano, oltre al panorama sulla Valle di Scalve, alcuni interessanti scorci sul territorio dell’alta Val Seriana. Scendendo di nuovo al bivio imbocchiamo a DX il sentiero CAI 407 che seguiremo fedelmente (sentiero in alcuni punti esposto che ci costringe a portare e spingere la MTB per circa trenta minuti) fino alla prima pozza d’acqua. Da questo punto, si risale in sella e continuiamo in discesa seguendo la segnaletica CAI 407. Superiamo le Baite di Barbarossa alta e bassa e in forte discesa seguiamo lo sterrato fino alle prime case di Teveno. In questo tratto è consigliata almeno una pausa per evitare l’eccessivo surriscaldamento dei freni. Mantenendo la sinistra superiamo il centro fino alla strada principale nei pressi di un’antica stazione della teleferica di legno scuro. Andiamo a SX e seguiamo la strada asfaltata, ATTENZIONE ALLE DEVIAZIONI SUCCESSIVE, ad una curva a gomito, scendiamo a DX lungo la mulattiera fino alla piazzetta di Bueggio dove troveremo una fontana. Procediamo a DX in discesa lungo un percorso pavimentato in pietra, attraversiamo un suggestivo ponte coperto in legno e proseguiamo in salita fino a raggiungere l’asfalto . Procediamo a DX, superiamo la chiesa di San Carlo e arrivati alle prime abitazioni di Vilminore, scendiamo subito a DX in via IV Novembre e puntiamo a raggiungere la chiesa principale, mantenendo il campanile come punto di riferimento. Dopo essere transitati sotto la grande scalinata della chiesa, non ci resta che raggiungere il punto di partenza.

Da Colere a Pian Di Vione in Mountain Bike Fri, 08 Apr 2016 09:27:41 +0000 Partiamo dal parcheggio del campo sportivo di Colere e, una volta arrivati sulla strada principale, procediamo a destra e seguiamo il tragitto stradale fino alla località Magnone; in corrispondenza delle prime case svoltiamo a sinistra ed entriamo nel piccolo borgo.  Proseguendo oltre l’ultima casa troviamo sulla destra il sentiero che imboccheremo fino a raggiungere una strada cementata. Risaliamo tenendo la sinistra per qualche metro fino alla cascina al di sotto della quale, svoltando a sinistra, imbocchiamo il sentiero da seguire fino al piazzale di partenza della seggiovia. Raggiungiamo la strada e svoltiamo a sinistra sulla strada in discesa e, dopo alcune decine di metri, giriamo a destra seguendo le indicazioni per il museo delle miniere. Nei pressi dell’ingresso del museo seguiamo lo sterrato di destra che ci costringerà a spingere la nostra MTB per circa cinque minuti e procediamo fino ad incrociare la strada cementata dove svoltiamo a destra e seguiamo le indicazioni per “Calchere” e “Pian di Vione”.

Raggiunto Pian di Vione e la sua area attrezzata con panche e tavoli procediamo sullo sterrato che piega a sinistra e lo seguiamo; superata una ripida discesa e raggiunto il tornante, proseguiamo dritti seguendo le indicazioni per Castello. Arrivati ad una cascina la strada sterrata si divide e noi proseguiamo a destra sulla ripida salita che ci costringerà a spingere la MTB per qualche minuto.

La strada si restringe diventando un sentiero sul quale faremo particolare attenzione a seguire la segnaletica arancione fino a raggiungere di nuovo l’asfalto in località Valle Richetti. Svoltiamo a sinistra e allo stop proseguiamo a sinistra, seguendo la strada principale verso Colere, fino al punto di partenza.

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Via Del Latte: Presolana tour Fri, 08 Apr 2016 08:19:07 +0000 Starting point: car park before Castione D.P. center on the right (near the traffic light)
From the car park go up towards the Castione center D.P, passed the town hall we switch left following the sings for Rusio. Twenty meters before the park lot of Rusio, we will find on the left the CAI 317 path (via del Latte) very clearly indicated and we will entrirely follow it. This first stretch of about 4 km is very hard for the unevenness and also for the slope of the forest road. We overpass firstly Malga Pozzetto and afterwards Malga Presolana, from here we follow the path CAI 319 (via del latte), the Passo del Soc andMalga Cornetto.Now we face a long and Challening descent to the Passo della Presolana. After reaching the provincial road, we go to the right and follow the main road, in a long and beautiful descent that take us to our starting point.

M. Bastia tour Fri, 08 Apr 2016 08:13:43 +0000 Starting Point: Station parking of Albino.
We are taking the path following the sings for Villa di Serio. Gone trough the cyce track, we will lead to the main street (via Kennedy) so we shall pass through it entirely to turn then off left;via Giovanni Battista Palazzi. Still straight ahead troghvia Caselle, via Mascarelliand then turn off on the left in via Pradelli. Few meters of asphalt road and then a dirt road begins, becoming the hardest climb of the route that passes a series of switchbacks up to a three-way intersection. We will take right up hill, follow thw dirt road that will take us to the Alpini Church. Back doing the entire dirt road down to the intersection three-way passed earlier. At the junction we continue straight all through the dirt road that offers many slight seeing’s but still paying much attention to the next deviation. A few meters before reaching the first houses, the main road continues downhill to the right, we should take to the dirt road on the left that leads to the wood. Passing by some hunting cottages, the cart track becomes a path that deviates left and then reconnects once more to the dirt road we shall follow. we will pass by once more some hunting cotatge until reaching the car road that we will follow in desert down to the town, untill we cross the street via Giovanni Battista Palazzi that we have already covered. At the interscection we will turn right and retrace all the way until our starting point.

Vaccaro Tour Fri, 08 Apr 2016 09:31:54 +0000 Starting point: parking near the Ramello Public Park.
From the parking lot we return on the road, where on the right will take the pedestrian and cycle path to the bridge next to a church, where (through an underpass) we will reach the centre of Ponte Nossa. holding the right hand side we will reach via S. Bernardino, we shall cross another bridge and take left on the old path that rises to Parre.
Once crossed the country, we will take a way that right from the beginning Campanella shows us the hardness of the climb. We continue along the uphill asphalt and concrete that leads to the cottagerefuge Vaccaro; arrived at the first cottage of M.Vaccaro, we turn to the right, cross lawn and enter the woods following the path 240A. Going through two valleys we enter into the path 240 going downhill. then back on asphalt, when the road bends to the right, we take the trail on the left. After few meters of a rocky downhill road we arrive to the SS Trinità church. We will go down the trail that after 500 meters brings us back to theCampella, going throgh once more the rising slope made earlier for 700 meters then right and right and after 50 meters on the left where a trail leades us to a dirt track: here we go left unti we reach the provincial way SP35. We turn left then right at the traffic light; cross over the abeyance bridge ofsant’Alberto: on the other side we will find the alta Val Seriana bicycle path that we take going right and go ahead to uor starting point of Ponte Nossa.

Tour Dei 4 Giorni Fri, 08 Apr 2016 08:41:42 +0000 Discover the italian Alps taking advantage of Bergamo low cost flight. Our tour operator agency will get you all the needed instrument for an awesome trip through the italian mountains as a local, staying out of mainstream touristic traps, living the real rural italian life and landscapes. Our 4 day package includes airport pick-up, top class bikes delivery, maps and informations about the road, accomodation and breakfast for all the 4 nights (half board on request)

1° DAY –  63km

Start from Selvino, a touristic mountain town, where you can walk around enjoying the springy bubbling atmosphere, to clusone, where you can see the 500yo planetary clock and end up to Lovere, for a nice walk or dinner on a beautiful lake.

DAY –  44km

Leave the lake and start for a long rise to Schilpario, at the end of Val di Scalve valley, to find yourself in a small town which is still the same as houndred years ago, to see the rural life in there and if you like to, visit to the old mill and to the old mining site.

DAY –  55km

From Schilpario down to Rovetta, at the beginning of val di Scalve, and them, up to the end of the adjacent Seriana valley, to Valbondione, where you’ll find yourself in the middle of Alps (Many 3000amsl mountains starts there) and close to Serio waterfalls (315mts, the italian second highest ones).

DAY –  49km

Rest your legs going down for almost 50 kms to get to Ranica, just few kilometers away from Bergamo center and Bergamo famous old town “Città alta”. Half of this road is on a trail, running in parallel to Serio river. Enjoy the Bergamo tipical food in Ranica and take a walk around Bergamo main amenities.


1 person 516 €
2 people 744 €
Groups price on request
Half board 100 euro for person
